Payment via PayPal only
Product categories
If you have your own idea for painting a mask - just write to us and we will create your unique design.
Items will be shipped within 5 days after payment.
Delivery times may vary depending on the country of the recipient.
On average, delivery takes from 10 to 45 days, due to delays at customs when crossing the border.
For delivery, we use the services of national mail, as we consider their rates to be the most favorable. After sending the goods, we will send you a tracking number and a link to the postal service website by e-mail.
Our Contacts
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.
Postal address: Russian Federation, Omsk, st. International, 41, 644099
Physical address: Russian Federation, Omsk, st. Pomortseva, 19, 644098
Legal address: Russian Federation, Omsk, st. Pomortseva, 19, 644098
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